Diminished-one modulo 2/sup n/+1 adder design

H.T. Vergos, C. Efstathiou, D. Nikolos
2002 IEEE transactions on computers  
This paper presents two new design methodologies for modulo 2 n þ 1 addition in the diminished-one number system. The first design methodology leads to carry look-ahead, whereas the second to parallel-prefix adder implementations. VLSI realizations of the proposed circuits in a standard-cell technology are utilized for quantitative comparisons against the existing solutions. Our results indicate that the proposed carry look-ahead adders are area and time efficient for small values of n, while
more » ... r the rest values of n the proposed parallel-prefix adders are considerably faster than any other already known in the open literature. Index Terms-Modulo 2 n þ 1 addition, carry look-ahead addition, parallel-prefix adders, diminished-one number representation, VLSI adders.
doi:10.1109/tc.2002.1146705 fatcat:mbg5dbil6rdfvcprbmgzqk7624