Chromosome interactome inferred from mitosis-G1 transition [article]

Yuri Eidelman, Svetlana Slanina, Alina Aleshchenko, Sergey Andreev
2016 bioRxiv   pre-print
The progress in experimental techniques aimed at 3D genome study is yet to bring about revelation of basic principles of genome folding. Chromosome conformation capture Hi-C technologies provide genome wide mapping of genomic loci interactions but spatial organization of chromosomes remains unknown. Here, we develop a polymer modeling approach to generate the ensemble of 3D chromosome conformations for mapping genetic loci contacts and the positions of megabase chromosomal domains in interphase
more » ... chromosome at different time of mitosis-interphase transition. We demonstrate that (*) whole chromosome contact map (interactome) generated for mouse chromosome 18 structure and (**) contact patterns, observed soon after mitotic decondensation and remaining similar during G1, correlate well with the experimental Hi-C contact data. The results suggest that contact map formation and spatial compartmentalization of an interphase chromosome are driven by interactions between different types of domains during formation of globular chromosome state at the end of mitotis-G1 transition.
doi:10.1101/084608 fatcat:oj4t7fqzkjaure275qbzvlq3yy