जuगाड़ — a makeshift fix [article]

Rupert Snell
Sometimes we come across a word so brilliantly rich in meaning and implication that no single definition can do it justice. जu गाड़ is such a word. Not all dictionaries find room for it, but these three do: Chaturvedi & Tiwari जu गाड़ juga:ṛ (nf) way, device, measure, manoeuvre [maneuver in the American spelling]; -करना to manage, to manoeuvre, to find a way (to achieve); -ब* ठाना/िभड़ाना/लगाना/लड़ाना to manage, to manoeuvre, to find a way out. Being democratic and makeshift in character, the
more » ... nse of जu गाड़ is more accurately conveyed by vernacular terms than by high-register words such as 'provision' or 'कायC साधन'. It refers to a particularly creative and resourceful way of fixing a situation or getting something done: an improvised, make-do, get-around, stop-gap, quick-fix, rough-and-ready, impromptu, pro tem cobbled-together solution. It may have a touch of the Heath-Robinson, and a kind of canny, artful, subversive, counterculture way of fixing something. It may also involve a kind of low cunning, and perhaps some wangling (or wrangling) also; necessity is, after all, the mother of invention. The following explanation from hi.wikipedia.com hits the nail on the head, specially in suggesting that the process of जu गाड़ is "मानक iवiध H हटकर" -that is, it diverges from standard procedures:
doi:10.15781/t2w950t0w fatcat:6audwcuewjhnrfkwplrah64iae