Drawings of Scandinavian Plants 9 7-99

Clienopodium, Lennart Engstrand, M Ats Gustafsson1
97. Chenopodium opulifolium Sc h r a d. in K o c h et Z iz. 1814 A nnual, up to 1 m high, ascending to erect, usually divaricately branched. Stem angular, striated. Leaves alternate, pale green to greyish-green and glabrous to sparsely farinose above, greyish-green and conspicuously farinose beneath. L ow er leaves petiolate, petiole about equal to or longer th a n lam ina, cuneate at base, 1-5 cm long, ab o u t as long as broad, three-lobed to broadly rhom bic an d then with tw o p ro m in en
more » ... lateral teeth, lateral lobes w ith 2-3 broad, outw ard-to forw ard-pointing obtuse to acute teeth, m iddle lobe rath e r short and bro ad w ith 2-6 rath er insignificant, obtuse to acute an d forw ard-pointing teeth, apex obtuse, acute or apiculate. U pper leaves m ore or less petiolate, three-lobed to lanceolate, cuneate at base, entire to dentate, acute. Flow ers situated in greyish, round, at least in the low er parts of inflorescences distinct glom erules, form ing a loosely to rath e r com pact, paniculate inflorescence. Flow ers perfect, conspicuously farinose, 5-merous. P erian th lobes united at the m ost up to one half, ovate, greenish to b ro w n in the centre, pale and m em braneous in the m ost m arginal p arts, keeled on the back. T he p eria n th entirely covers the seed. Pistil w ith a short style, and tw o slender, ra th e r sh ort stigm as papillate to the base. Stam ens 5. Seeds horizontal, black, o r­ 1 E ngstrand is responsible fo r the d ra w ­ ings and Gustafsson for the text. bicular, 1.0-1.4 m m in diam eter, w ith ro u n d m argins. T esta lustrous, w ith radial furrow s. R adicula short an d broad, closely attached to the seed. E m b ry o annular.