Histeroskopia – technika dla każdego i wszędzie. 1074 zabiegi wykonane w warunkach ambulatoryjnych

Paweł Radwan, Michał Radwan, Ireneusz Połać, Jacek R. Wilczyński
2010 Menopause Review  
The aim was to investigate safety and efficacy of outpatient diagnostic and operative hysteroscopies.1074 procedures were carried out by experienced operators. Procedures were performed using 2.9, 3.5 telescopesand a 7 mm resectoscope between February 2004 and October 2009. The uterine cavity was distendedwith 5% mannitol. 717 of 1074 were performed with no anaesthesia. 301 operative and 773 diagnostic hysteroscopieswere carried out. Main outcomes were: success/failure and complication
more » ... age of the patients was 32.6 ±4.64 years. Mean time of the procedure was 58 minutes ±29 seconds.All 1074 hysteroscopies were successfully performed by 6 operators. Failure and complication rates were 8/1074and 4/1074 respectively. There was only one uterine perforation. The most recognized and operated pathologywas endometrial polyp (13%). 221 polypectomies, 18 myomectomies and 23 hysteroscopic septoplasties werecarried out.Hysteroscopy is a fast and simple procedure for evaluation and treatment of the uterine cavity with a verylow rate of complications. Recent advances in technique and instrumentation will encourage adoption of outpatienthysteroscopy in Poland.
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