Yunus EKİN
2002 Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi  
The Worldliness is an alineation from the hereafter and God. It is a process which spoilsthe balance between the world and hereafter in favour of the world. It is a main obstacleto the religiousity of the individuals and society. Islam warns its members against thedanger of the worldliness. It also brings various solutions for this great danger. Infaq is oneand important of them. Although Islamic tradition presents zuhd and sufism as a reactionto the worldliness, the notion of infaq is
more » ... important alternative of it. The Qur'anconstitutes a direct relationship between infaq and belief, and the infaq has a great influenceon the progress of individual and teh community.
doi:10.17335/suifd.91154 doaj:3805ed64de8b455fa2bb48176a788eab fatcat:66aoh63wxfe43faykfrbxv6p44