Identification of flood‐prone areas with GeoFlood : Lessons learned from the Tiber River case study

Claudia D'Angelo, Paola Passalacqua, Aldo Fiori, Elena Volpi
2022 Journal of Flood Risk Management  
Flood mapping is a vital component for sustainable land use in flood-prone areas. Due to the frequency of flood events, local authorities demand effective yet simple methods for the preliminary identification of flood-prone areas at large scales to subsequently define mitigation strategies. We focus here on the workflow GeoFlood, a parsimonious model which uses only high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) to define the geomorphological and hydrological information necessary for flood
more » ... ation mapping, thus allowing for large-scale simulations at a reasonable computational cost. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the conditions under which GeoFlood is able to correctly reproduce inundation scenarios (with an assigned return period) and their flooding characteristics. Specifically, we analyze its performance over a highly urbanized area, the mid-lower portion of the Tiber River (Italy). We
doi:10.1111/jfr3.12795 fatcat:sf4t3czlrrfz3ixa5okwx3obqq