Complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the fermion determinant

Gert Aarts, Erhard Seiler, Dénes Sexty, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
2017 Journal of High Energy Physics  
QCD at nonzero baryon chemical potential suffers from the sign problem, due to the complex quark determinant. Complex Langevin dynamics can provide a solution, provided certain conditions are met. One of these conditions, holomorphicity of the Langevin drift, is absent in QCD since zeroes of the determinant result in a meromorphic drift. We first derive how poles in the drift affect the formal justification of the approach and then explore the various possibilities in simple models. The lessons
more » ... from these are subsequently applied to both heavy dense QCD and full QCD, and we find that the results obtained show a consistent picture. We conclude that with careful monitoring, the method can be justified a posteriori, even in the presence of meromorphicity.
doi:10.1007/jhep05(2017)044 fatcat:3fawzvqie5gvvdhwo763fe4jvu