Assessment of Immunomodulatory activity of Annona Squamosa leaves in Pyrogallol induced immunosuppression

Bharathi D.R., , , , ,, Abubaker Siddiq, Nikhil K., Nataraj G.R., Abhinandan M.
2022 Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology  
The immune system has a fundamental role in protecting the body against pathogenic microbial agents. Environmental pollutants and dietary habits cause disturbances in immune activities and diet containing micronutrients and antioxidants are known to prevent these alterations. : The aim of the present study was to investigate the Objective immunomodulatory potential of ethanolic extract of leaves and the extract reported to contain Annona squamosa polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins. : Ethanolic
more » ... extract of leaves at the Material and methods Annona squamosa doses of 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg (per oral) were studied for the assessment of Immunomodulatory activity. To induce immunosuppression, pyrogallol (100 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered. The mice were sensitized with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) to assess the immunological study. In cellular immune response model, SRBC (0.5x109 cells/100g, i.p.) were injected in the sub plantar region of the hind paw. An increase in paw volume was Results and conclusion: recorded in pyrogallol-induced immunosuppressed mice. The non-specific immune response was assessed by carbon clearance assay. The Leaf extract of increased the footpad thickness and phagocytic index in carbon Annona squamosa clearance assay. From the above findings, it is concluded that ethanolic extract of leaves possesses Annona squamosa potential Immunomodulatory activity.
doi:10.31024/ajpp.2022.8.2.4 fatcat:n76xmcddqzgrzfdrz7aix5dp4i