Congenital Bilateral ocular hypoplasia associated with bilateral manifestation of Klippel- Trenaunay- Weber syndrome of the lower extremities: uncommon presentation in a Bulgarian patient with dermatitis hypostatica!

Ivanka Temelkova, Georgi Tchernev
2019 Journal of Clinical Research in Dermatology  
Figure. 1a-b: cutaneous changes of the lower limbs in the form of post-and hyperpigmentations, massive eczematization and multiple erosions. Figure. 1c: clinical data for bilateral ocular hypoplasia. Citation: Temelkova I, Tchernev G (2019) Congenital Bilateral ocular hypoplasia associated with bilateral manifestation of Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome of the lower extremities: uncommon presentation in a Bulgarian patient with dermatitis hypostatica!. Clin Res Dermatol Open Access 6(5): 1-3.
doi:10.15226/2378-1726/6/5/001101 fatcat:s2ffs27stfe65ftn3wt7dlipdi