Design of heat-activated reversible integral attachments for product-embedded disassembly

Ying Li, K. Saitou, N. Kikuchi, S.J. Skerlos, P.Y. Papalambros
Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing  
Disassembly is a fundamental process needed for component reuse and material recycling in all assembled products. Integral attachments, also known as "snap" fits, are favored fastening means in design for assembly (DFA) methodologies, but not necessarily a favored choice for design for disassembly. In this paper, several protorype designs of a new class of integral attachments are presented, where the snapped joints can be disengaged by the application of localized heat sources. The design
more » ... em of reversible integral attachments is posed as the optimization of compliant mechanisms actuated with localized thermal expansion of materials. The Homogenization Design Method is utilized to obtain an optimal structural topology that realizes a desired deformation of snapped featuers for joint release. The obtained optimal topologies are simplified to emhance the manufacturability for the conventional injection molding technologies. Results of the example designes are verified by finite element analyses.
doi:10.1109/.2001.992381 fatcat:3yaw3gw4ynfmphn5tq3usvuwom