Komposisi Kandungan Asam Amino Pada Teripang Emas (Stichoupus horens) di Perairan Pulau Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

Gianto Gianto, Made Suhandana, R. Marwita Sari Putri
2018 Jurnal FishtecH  
This study aims to analyze the amino acid component contained in the golden sea cucumber so that it can be used as a basis for consideration, management, especially the development of sea cucumbers. Protein in sea cucumbers have complete amino acids, both essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. The result of the proximate test of golden sea cucumber has high protein content which is 95,14% and fat 0,20% compared to other sea cucumber type while the protein of sea cucumber is very
more » ... w that is 1.78% and 1.54% ash. The highest content of dried sea cucumber amino acids in golden sea cucumber meat seen in glutamic acid of 6.6049%, 7.1769% glycine, aspartic acid 3.9227% and proline of 3.4189% while the results of wet sea cucumber amino acids have a low amino acid value with glutamic acid 0.2281%, Glycine 0.2308% and Alanin 0.2169%.
doi:10.36706/fishtech.v6i2.5850 fatcat:bwfv6bhy2rdf3apas5jq4qg2uq