Trace elements disturbance and Liver toxicity in Sudanese Fuel Stations Workers

Mona Abualgassim Widdat Allah Ahmed, Amn Osman M. Zein, Nassr Eldin M. A. Shrif
2016 Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences  
Workers in benzene stations are more susceptible to hepatotoxicity. This study was aimed to assess serum levels of trace elements and liver enzymes activity as indicator of hepatotoxicity in benzene station workers. In a matched case control study conducted in Khartoum State -Sudan during the period from October 2015 to January 2016. After signing written informed consent blood specimen was collected from 50 individual working in petrol station as case group and 20 healthy individuals not
more » ... g in petrol station as control group aged from (20-50) years and serum levels of AST,ALT.GGT activity and Copper and Zink was measured using spectrophotometrical and atomic absorption methods. Data were collected using structural questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by means of statistical package for social science (SPSS version 16). The mean level of Copper and Zinc was significantly decreased in comparison with control group (p < .05). There was no significant correlation of serum level of trace elements zinc and copper with duration, BMI, AST, ALT, and GGT activities. Working in petrol station is associated with decreased level of copper and Zink however the disturbance in these trace elements dose not correlated with abnormalities in liver enzymes.
doi:10.21276/sajb.2016.4.6.8 fatcat:z5fvt3747bhx5nk77wpyilw6jm