A Build Up of Seizure Prediction and Detection Software: A Review Article

Hadriche A, Digital Research Center of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia, Jmail N, Digital Research Center of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
2021 Austin Neurosurgery: Open Access  
Neurological diseases are much often due to our stressed daily life, and epilepsy is considered as a second cause of hospitalization in neurological illness. It is about 30% of epileptic cases where medicine would not stop or control seizure; hence, a surgical intervention is required to delineate abnormal hyperexcitable cortical tissue. Defining these epileptogenic zones is a challenge that require physiological and anatomical acquisition. Discussion: Clinicians, researcher and engineer
more » ... her are multiplying advanced techniques in order to exploit these acquisitions for a better diagnosis. Several software are used to enhance epilepsy diagnosis. Here we proposed a software that rely on space-time evolution of inter- ictal gamma oscillations. Conclusion: Our proposed software would predict a build up of seizure during monitoring of stereo-electroencephalographic SEEG recording. It allows also detection of seizure during analysis and diagnosis of SEEG. This software would assist neurologist in recognition of seizure and in defining epileptogenic zone EZ.
doi:10.26420/austinneurosurgopenaccess.2021.1064 fatcat:pdvv7i6ndvavfbv7aiu6ziidau