A Study on Preservation Metadata Elements for Research Information
연구정보를 위한 보존 메타데이터 요소 개발에 관한 연구: 경제·인문사회연구회 연구관리시스템을 중심으로

Pan-Jun Kim
2010 Journal of the Korean Society for information Management  
This study aimed at developing preservation metadata elements and its applications for research information which is considered as a valuable digital resource these days. Specifically, the developed preservation metadata intends to provide a basis for the research information of the government-funded research institutes in economic and social science fields which are major knowledge producers of national policy. To ensure the interoperability of the research information across various
more » ... s and organizations, this study compared the elements from the CERIF(European Standard) and those from the PREMIS Data Dictionary which is based on OAIS reference model (ISO 14721). Based on this comparative analysis, this study developed complementary preservation metadata elements based on the two standards' characteristics. Consequently, this study suggested a new preservation metadata elements and its applications that are compatible between the two systems and can be implemented in practice. 키워드: 연구정보, 보존 메타데이터, 보존 메타데이터 요소, OAIS 참조모형, PREMIS 데이터 사전 CERIF(common european research information format), research information, preservation metadata, OAIS reference model(ISO 14721), PREMIS data dictionary * 경제․인문사회연구회 전문위원(pjkim@nrcs.re.kr)
doi:10.3743/kosim.2010.27.4.169 fatcat:rb5sy2rodvgxrpqc53wf2mewbi