The challenge of owning the results of scientific research in Argentina

Ester Elizabeth López Monrroy
2018 Revista Quaestio Iuris  
The interaction of science with the problems of the society in which it is registered is fundamental. Argentina has been characterized through its history for its ability to produce knowledge, but also endemically has not been able to transfer that individual and collective investment to concrete solutions that, in addition, generate employment for the inhabitants of the country. In this context, what are the factors that obstruct this indispensable connection for national development? Thus,
more » ... angulation as a methodological strategy offers the study the possibility of obtaining a diagnosis of an extremely close situation. The current essential obstacle is in unison the lack of clarity that exists in relation to the role of the researcher and, in particular, the ethical commitment of a career that is financed with public funds. Limited clarity that is nourished by the same valid evaluation mechanisms.
doi:10.12957/rqi.2018.32982 fatcat:yuiyk2unhrbxjndd76sikvpy5m