High Dose Ion Implantation into Silicon

Takashi TOKUYAMA, Masao TAMURA, Naotsugu YOSHIHIRO, Takahide IKEDA, Nobuyoshi NATSUAKI
1975 Oyobuturi  
Annealing behaviors of the damaged layers in silicon single crystal substrates implanted with the dose of some 1016ions/cm2 were investigated as a function of temperature, duration, and atmosphere of annealing, energy and species of ions, and surface conditions of the sub strates. The nature, density, and distribution of the secondary defects, such as dislocation networks, dislocations both inside and outside of the implanted regions, and stacking faults were determined. The relations of such
more » ... fects to the electrical and structural behaviors of
doi:10.11470/oubutsu1932.44.596 fatcat:bbjf5wlhtbgu5h42pfli727rfa