The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
B f RICHARD BOLDT Texan Sports Editor Texas got pushed out the back door, though not off tile porch, in the Southwest Conference basket ball chase Saturday, as Texas AAM held cm kl the second half to win 65-60 before 7,800 fans in Gregory Gym. The lose lea v es A e defending SWC cham pions 1-2 w hile AAM la now S O. Harold Bradley, T ex a s coach, fe lt his team played a "good game'* and Is not yet oat Watching for Fight That Never Came . . . A. R. Hamilton, chief of cemput police; Bob Rocht,
more » ... sist, ant business manager for athletics: a campus policeman; and two highway patrolmen in the background. -Ttxan Photo-Gossett o f tho cham pionship picture. B radley th take aa 11-8 record wffl bo good enough for tho title. The Longhorns lost the lead with 5:30 left in the first half, 22-21, and never could regain it; but they tied it, 53-53, with 5:42 to play and always remained close to the Plow boys. After Texas tied It, Paul Tim mins swished a free thro./ for the Soldiers and turned the court over to high school teammate Bennie Lenox, hero of the day. LENOX DETERMINANT Lenox, an all-America candidate who warmed the bench most of the second half because his touch seemed lost, plopped three jump shots, let Timmins score a charity toss, sunk a pair of free throws himself, then tied a bow on the Texas victory package. While the League City duet w as thus hum m ing along, the Steers m anaged only to scratch out buckets by Tom m ie N elm s aud Larry Franks on eight shots and m successful bonus try by doe F isher, This le ft them shy 88-58 with 47 seconds to ploy. Dick Stringfeliow flicked two onepointers as the Longhorns fouled trying to get the ball, and U T s Mike Humphrey laid up two of his seven points with 12 seconds left as AAM secured its first Gregory Gym triumph since 1859. But the pattern of the victory was set at College Station last year, as the Cadets centered their defense cm the big men and forced the outside men to hit their shots or perish. The guards came through last year, but Saturday the Orange team hit only 37.7 per cent at 69 shots. FOOR SHOOTING Nelms shot 21 times, hitting only eight, and Franks managed only three buliseyes on 14 tries. Jimmy Puryear, the man who was to be the 'Horns leader, shot only IO times, but five of them scored. la contrast, the F arm ers hit 82.2 per cen t o f their I i shots. B in R obiaetto, 2 of 5, Lenox, 7 of 17, and sub BHI Gooway. • of S, w ere the e e ly A ggies to hit le ss than M per cent. Such notes, however, do not tell (See FARMERS, Page 4) It Didn't Happen, Thanks to Police Everyone cam# hoping to see It or be in it, but no one would start it-the fight at the AAM game, that is, and well enough, because University officials employed every device known and a couple of oth ers to control anything that might occur. Chief A. R. Hamilton had 30 men from his Traffic and Security Di vision with him, as six Austin Po lice Department patrolmen armed with billy clubs and six highway patrolmen also appeared. (The Department of Public Safety re ported five of their men there, but six were counted inside the gym.) Officers were stationed at all stairways and exits and within large contingents of fans. President Is dead,' " Salinger told the pensive audience.
doi:10.26153/tsw/29731 fatcat:cbve2s7a5fdfzb47wlj47mibsu