Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, August 30, 1900] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
BLACKSMITHS' COAL. Liverpool and California Fine and Coarse Salt. Steamboat Agent* and Wharflnger«. R. Johnstoi) & Co. Oor. Bastion and Oommerclal Sts., Nanaimo. NANAIMO. BRITISH COLUMBIA. THORSDAY. AUGUST 80. 1900. Fleece Lif.eJ Underwear Without the Fuzz Sir I Tlir .\|«nuf»cturcr» ot our Underwear have thi» muon, nvercoiiie that Ud feature in r iie.B -which in the put maoe that kimi of garment nndeairthle. We have four <|ualitiei
doi:10.25316/ir-8715 fatcat:f6hbmxycajdxbplfytajcj5uta