Library Management in the Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Primary Schools

Septiyati Purwandari, Ella Minchah Awaliya, Anisah
2020 Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)   unpublished
The role of library as the heart of school has not been fully understood by the school community. The lack of skill in information literacy among the librarians and teachers become the main consideration for this research. The aim of this research is to observe the library management in supporting the Gerakan Literasi Sekolah/GLS (School Literacy Movement). The benefit of the research results is to make the school management able to make a technical effort to improve the information literacy in
more » ... terms of library management by creating a program for the improvement of collaboration of teachers and librarians for achieving an optimal output of GLS in stimulating the reading interest among students. This research was conducted in Magelang Regency with 5 primary schools as the research subjects, on balance, representing the characterics of: type of primary schools (private school and state school), being equipped with library, implementing the GLS program. The instruments used in this research included observation, interview and documentation and the method in data processing used the data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, the data validity used the data triangulation. The results of this research showed that first the synergy of library roles with the literacy movement was pragmatic meaning to move and distribute the books in each class through the Reading Corner activitity; second, the Guidelines for SNP library management had been fulfilled by the school as the administrative obligation; third, awareness of information literacy for teachers and principal in library management was categorized into the low level and fourth, the comprehension of the implementation of technical instructions of GLS by the school communities were still limited only in the phase 1.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200529.190 fatcat:tkdx2qceozdsdotk67uj5i7gzm