The ADDition of DAPAgliflozin to angiotensin receptor blocker-neprilysin inhibitors non-responders in patient with refractory HFrEF

P Jariwala, K.P Jadhav
2021 European Heart Journal  
Objectives We evaluated the efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin, a SGLT2i along with ARNI in refractory HFrEF irrespective of their diabetic status. Methods We performed a prospective, open-label study of symptomatic patients of HFrEF despite of optimal medical management with ARNI between January–June 2020. Despite the maximum tolerated dose of ARNI and other medications in patients the symptoms of heart failure persisted. The initial dose of 5 mg was started and after 4 weeks irrespective of
more » ... their glycemic control, then the dose was escalated to 10 mg. They were followed for the 6-months after the combination of ARNI and SGLT2i. Results The 104 patients who had HFrEF despite of optical medical management were added dapagliflozin on top of ARNI. The primary endpoint of mean change in Left Ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) +9.00±0.62 with a significant p value of <0.001. The Mean difference in NYHA class was −2.9±0.057. A study of 104 patients at 6-months follow-up found that 92.6% of patients were in NYHA class I and 7.4% were in NYHA class II. They also reached the HbA1C goal of <7% in the diabetic subgroup. None of them had either symptomatic hypotension, dyselectrolytemia, and elevation of serum creatinine. The drug was well received by most patients (Picture 1). Conclusions Dapagliflozin are not only oral hypoglycaemic agents but can be used in refractory HFrEF despite the use of ARNI. The combination of the ARNI and SGLT2i is well tolerated but we need large, randomized trials to prove this hypothesis (Picture 2). FUNDunding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None. Picture 1. Screening and outcomes of patients Picture 2. Graphical abstract
doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab724.0784 fatcat:tlvhbvt65bd6rb6lrmcqcm662u