Reaction Mechanisms and Rate Limitations in Dry Etching of Silicon Dioxide with Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride [chapter]

LD Clements, JE Busse, J Mehta
Semiconductor Fabrication: Technology and Metrology  
A novel dry etching process for silicon dioxide has been developed. This process, carried out at ambient temperature and pressure, uses emhydrous hydrogen fluoride, water vapor in a nitrogen carrier, and a unique processing sequence to achieve etch rates of about 200A/second, with 5 percent or better uniformity. The overall reaction is a complicated sequence of surface hydration and surface fluorlnation by adsorption, reaction, and product desorptlon. This paper presents two proposed reaction
more » ... chanisms and describes how experimental data from a laminar flow reactor were used to evaluate the mechanisms. In: Semiconductor Fabrication; Technology and Metrology, ASTM STP 990 (1989) Used by permission.
doi:10.1520/stp26038s fatcat:qimjorih3zbz3lvjcrtrnrt5uu