Blockchain Technology for Pharmaceutical Drug Distribution in Indonesia: A Proposed Model

Erick Fernando, Meyliana, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman
2020 ICIC Express Letters  
The distribution process is an essential part of boosting the profitability of a company. Distribution process carried out the process of acquisition, purchase, storage, distribution, transport, repackaging, re-labeling, documentation, and record-keeping practices. The problems that occur in the validation process of each distribution process in each party involved are not well registered and integrated with each other, so in the complex drug distribution environment, the monitoring process
more » ... mes a necessity every time more urgent and primary to reduce theft, prevent counterfeiting, and improve efficiency, synchronization, visibility, and safety. Providing good tracking of goods gives consumers greater interest in the consumption of goods that meet certain ecological and ethical standards and thus requires the quality of the goods consumed. In this thought, it aims to discuss the best blockchain models for the drug distribution process. This research is qualitative research. As a result, the model was introduced as a potential blockchain model and could be applied in pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia.
doi:10.24507/icicel.14.02.113 fatcat:6s2wo7hjwjaqrh7mhewikly2lu