Structural Requirements for RNA Editing in Glutamate Receptor Pre-mRNAs by Recombinant Double-stranded RNA Adenosine Deaminase

Stefan Maas, Thorsten Melcher, Anne Herb, Peter H. Seeburg, Walter Keller, Sabine Krause, Miyoko Higuchi, Mary A. O'Connell
1996 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Pre-mRNAs for brain-expressed ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits undergo RNA editing by site-specific adenosine deamination, which alters codons for molecular determinants of channel function. This nuclear process requires double-stranded RNA structures formed by exonic and intronic sequences in the pre-mRNA and is likely to be catalyzed by an adenosine deaminase that recognizes these structures as a substrate. DRADA, a double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase, is a candidate enzyme for
more » ... tamate-activated receptor channel (GluR) pre-mRNA editing. We show here that DRADA indeed edits GluR pre-mRNAs, but that it displays selectivity for certain editing sites. Recombinantly expressed DRADA, both in its full-length form and in an N-terminally truncated version, edited the Q/R site in GluR6 pre-mRNA and the R/G site but not the Q/R site of GluR-B pre-mRNA. This substrate selectivity correlated with the base pairing status and sequence environment of the editing-targeted adenosines. The Q/R site of GluR-B pre-mRNA was edited by an activity partially purified from HeLa cells and thus differently structured editing sites in GluR pre-mRNAs appear to be substrates for different enzymatic activities.
doi:10.1074/jbc.271.21.12221 pmid:8647818 fatcat:xxzkpe5k3rem3p2obfdmtuh3wq