Dialectics of Relations Between Generations in Modern University: Ontological Approach

Oleksandr Kudryavtsev, Lydmila Radionova, Olha Radionova
2019 Proceedings of the International Conference Communicative Strategies of Information Society (CSIS 2018)   unpublished
AbstractThe article deals with the problems of communication between different generations in the modern educational system. The theory of generations is a new, intensively developing and practically applicable doctrine. A generational approach involves an analysis of the coexistence of the following life dimensions in education: the Y and Z generations are present students, and the baby boomer generations are teachers. The authors have made an analysis of the contemporary theories of the inner generation communications.
doi:10.2991/csis-18.2019.97 fatcat:ogca37ljaveddjfvhgzhytqq7i