The study of physico-chemical transformations in the process of low-temperature synthesis of zirconium carbide

R. A. Shishkin, V. S. Kudyakova, N. V. Zhirenkina
The joint reduction of zirconium oxide and sodium carbonate with the formation of zirconium carbide was studied. It was shown that with magnesium thermomes ZrO2 and Na2CO3, the reduction of ZrO2 occurs in the range of 600‒620 °C, and Na2CO3 ― in the range of 590‒610 °C. Thermodynamic calculations and the results of X-ray diffraction analysis allowed us to judge the transformations occurring in the synthesis process and the resulting reaction products. It has been established that the use of
more » ... hite as a carbon source does not lead to the formation of ZrC in the range of 700‒900 °C, unlike Na2CO3. Ill. 6. Ref. 9. Tab. 1.
doi:10.17073/1683-4518-2019-2-45-48 fatcat:vqtvyjn2eba2zchbafsqg2vui4