Socializing Online in Various Cultural Contexts: A Cross Nation Study of Social Network Service Development

Chengqi Guo, Jongtae Yu
2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
The boom of WWW-based social network service (SNS) warrants more studies and better understandings in many aspects, especially when such hedonic application has evolved differently in different countries. The development of SNS in the US, China and South Korea have been particularly interesting. Whereas U.S. SNS websites enjoy the first mover advantage, their followers in different cultural settings are trying to re-create the prosperity in their own domains. An analysis of the challenges and
more » ... tentials of SNS in these countries is presented, along with a discussion of SNS research across different cultural settings. It is believed that in addition to marketing factors, socio-economic structure and cultural influences also play a critical role in promoting SNS website.
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