Pengaruh LKS Laboratorium Virtual Fisika Dalam Pendekatan Saintifik Materi Fluida Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI SMAN 14 Padang [post]

Muhammad Tri Bimo, Asrizal Asrizal, Hidayati
2019 unpublished
Experiment is important to support good learning outcomes of students. However, the application of theexperiment can't be done well in school. The solution of this problem is to apply the virtual laboratory studentworksheet in scientific approach. Application of laboratory virtual student worksheet in scientific approach isexpected to support students to learn actively so that it can improve the learning outcomes of students. Theobjective of the research was to investigate the influence of
more » ... al laboratory student worksheet with in scientific approach toward study outcomes of students. In this quasi experimental was used randomized control group only design. The population of this research consist of all of students SMA N 14 Padang grade XI with the total number of 163 students. The sample of the research were taken by purposive sampling technique. Instruments for collecting the data consist of written test for knowledge aspect, observation sheet for attitude aspect and performance assessment sheet for skills aspect. Research data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, normality test and homogeneity test and mean comparison test. Based on the data analysis can be stated that the use of virtual laboratory student worksheet in scientific approach has given a significant effect on physics learning outcomes of students on knowledge aspect, attitudes aspect and skills aspect on grade XI students in SMA N 14 Padang at the significant confidence 95 %.
doi:10.31227/ fatcat:2edplosdhfeinhllvjpxjryzkm