First record of Molossus pretiosus Miller, 1902 (Chiroptera, Molossidae) for the Cerrado of Bahia, northeastern Brazil

Vinícius C. Cláudio, Gustavo C. Silveira, Solange G. Farias, Marina J. Lapenta
2018 Check List  
Molossus pretiosus Miller, 1902 is known from two localities in Brazil: one in the Caatinga of Minas Gerais, and other in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. We report here the first record of M. pretiosus for the Cerrado of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. This record extends the distribution of this species by about 200 km northward.
doi:10.15560/14.1.177 fatcat:fvcayw47pzbszcf64mupxei22y