On the restricted nature of gauge theory extensions of the nu-mass extended SM neglecting gravity

Peter Minkowski
2015 Proceedings of Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2014 — PoS(CORFU2014)   unpublished
Oscillatory modes of q q ′ in mesons Peter Minkowski In eq. 1.1 ⃗ J = ⃗ L + ⃗ S denotes total angular momentum. The literature quoted in ref. 5 = [5-1980] is very limited, to which we add here papers by R. Dashen and M. Gell-Mann, ref. 8 = [8-1965] , by G. Zweig , ref. 9 = [9-1968] and J. Schwinger , ref. 10 = [10-1964] , illustrating the search for local field variables underlying the strong interactions at that time. One result from these investigations in trying to identify then known baryon
more » ... resonances, was the finding that states were missing.
doi:10.22323/1.231.0048 fatcat:g2xglzpi6bdull54i7xcsxljne