The adaptation process after traumatic brain injury An individual and ongoing occupational struggle to gain a new identity

Barbara Hoogerdijk, Ulla Runge, Jette Haugboelle
2010 Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy  
The aim of this study is to understand better how individuals with traumatic brain injury make sense of their adaptation process and their performance of occupations within this process. For this study, four participants were interviewed twice. Thereafter analyses following a narrative approach led to the construction of four individual narratives. The results indicate that the adaptation process following traumatic brain injury is (1) a necessary struggle to gain a new identity; (2)
more » ... by engagement in familiar occupations in familiar environments; (3) a protracted learning process that continues long after rehabilitation ends; (4) individual and situated. The results suggest that healthcare professionals including occupational therapists should: allow individuals with traumatic brain injury to test and practise their abilities within their own home environments; provide them with the necessary space to practise on their own; guide them in using their own and new strategies in a way that is both efficient and personally satisfying. Finally, this study discusses whether rehabilitation services should be offered over a protracted period of time. Professional support following the rehabilitation period-precisely the period in which they are trying to establish a meaningful existence with their disabilities-could be a more useful path to follow. Scand J Occup Ther Downloaded from by University of Montreal on 12/07/14 For personal use only. Scand J Occup Ther Downloaded from by University of Montreal on 12/07/14 For personal use only. 124 B. Hoogerdijk et al. Scand J Occup Ther Downloaded from by University of Montreal on 12/07/14 For personal use only.
doi:10.3109/11038121003645985 pmid:20384550 fatcat:upuk6g6konhvtajietrjbbdfru