Regularity Criteria in Weak L3 for 3D Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

Yuwen Luo, Tai-Peng Tsai
2015 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj  
We study the regularity of a distributional solution ðu; pÞ of the 3D incompressible evolution Navier-Stokes equations. Let B r denote concentric balls in R 3 with radius r. We will show that if p A L m ð0; 1; L 1 ðB 2 ÞÞ, m > 2, and if u is su‰ciently small in L y ð0; 1; L 3; y ðB 2 ÞÞ, without any assumption on its gradient, then u is bounded in B 1 Â ð1=10; 1Þ. It is an endpoint case of the usual Serrin-type regularity criteria, and extends the steady-state result of Kim-Kozono to the time
more » ... pendent setting. In the appendix we also show some nonendpoint borderline regularity criteria.
doi:10.1619/fesi.58.387 fatcat:h5mhprf74rgaromkqkz74m7rni