Agenda driven mobility modelling

Qunwei Zheng, Xiaoyan Hong, Jun Liu, David Cordes, Wan Huang
2010 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing  
Mobility modelling is an essential component of wireless and mobile networking research. Our proposed Agenda Driven Mobility Model takes into consideration a person's social activities in the form of agenda (when, where and what) for motion generation. The model provides a framework for translating social agendas into a mobile world. Using the data from National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) of the US Department of Transportation, our simulation results suggest that social roles and agenda
more » ... vities tend to cause geographic concentrations and significantly impact network performance. The model is in a position of better reflecting real world scenarios.
doi:10.1504/ijahuc.2010.030000 fatcat:t76twkzphjg2zbfai7b4jqxg34