
Richard P. Gabriel, Jilin Chen, Jeffrey Nichols
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition - C&C '15  
InkWell is a writer's assistant-a natural language revision program designed to assist creative writers by producing stylistic variations on texts based on craft-based facets of creative writing and by mimicking aspects of specified writers and their personality traits. It is built on top of an optimization process that produces variations on a supplied text, evaluates those variations quantitatively, and selects variations that best satisfy the goals of writing craft and writer mimicry. We
more » ... ribe the design and capabilities of InkWell, and present an early evaluation of its effectiveness and uses with two established literary writers along with an experiment using InkWell to write haiku on its own. words; a detailed language-usage model; accurate semantic senses; orthographic characteristics of words; and the notion of a spectrum from very associative word choices to very dissociative-we call this writerly thinking.
doi:10.1145/2757226.2757229 dblp:conf/candc/GabrielCN15 fatcat:e7w7knwrwfbz7aau3au4xwr4we