Surveillance for antibiotic resistance in veterinary pathogens from the perspective of a regional diagnostic laboratory

Carol P Stephens
2003 Communicable diseases intelligence quarterly report  
The Toowoomba Veterinary Laboratory tests for antibiotic resistance through passive surveillance of bacterial pathogens from diseased, frequently intensively managed, animals. Testing is carried out on the basis of the number of animals involved, the nature and severity of the disease and the identity and significance of the bacterium, the results guiding the submitting veterinarian in implementing appropriate treatment. The antibiotics chosen for testing are those that are currently registered
more » ... for veterinary use and are considered effective in the given situation. Testing is carried out according to the current National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Approved Standard for Disc Susceptibility Tests. This paper presents some results of testing bacterial pathogens from cattle and pigs.
pmid:12807288 fatcat:3e72ctlgofhobft2sro2wz5szq