骨盤内静脈うっ滞症候群 (IVCS) の疫学的研究

Naoki Minamiguchi
1998 The Japanese Journal of Urology  
Background) The pathophysiology of prostatodynia still remains unknown. Recently, it was reported using three dimentional magnetic resonance venography (3D-MRV) that intrapelvic venous congestion (IVC) was found predominantly in patients with prostatodynia, and was designated this condition as IVC syndrome (IVCS). The present study was designed to reveal the prevalence of IVCS in taki drivers and office workers. (Methods) A total of 605 men (584 drivers and 21 office workers) in a taxi company
more » ... n Kyoto city was enrolled in this study. They completed the IVCS symptom score, which was developed originally, including 5 questions (pain or discomfort at 1: the urethra during voiding, 2 lower abdomen, 3: perineal region, 4: inguinal region, 5: during ejaculation). The score of each question was graded from 0 to 5 points, and a total symptom score was obtained by adding these 5 scores to give a range of 0 to 25 points. 3D-MRV was performed to evaluate IVC. The diagnosis of IVC was determined based on the findings of the dilation of the prostatic capsular vein and/or the venous plexus of the lateral ligament of the bladder. (Results) Out of 603 men, 494 (81. 9%), 40 (6. 6%), 30 (5. 0%) and 39 (6. 5%) had a total symptom score of 0, 1, 2 and 3 or more. 3D-MRV was performed in 16 symptomatic men (scores of 3 or more), demonstrating IVC in 7 of them (43. 8%). These 7 men were considered to have IVCS. In contrast, IVC was recognized in only one (6. 3%)of 16 asymptomatic men (score of 0), were selected at random from 494 men scored 0 (p <0. 05). (Conclusion) IVCS symptom score could be used as a screening tool for the detection of IVCS.
doi:10.5980/jpnjurol1989.89.863 pmid:9866375 fatcat:6uuusybujnebjmugiv6rggfeh4