Nanaimo Free Press [Saturday, July 13, 1895] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Of CODI-Se at this time of the year to make thing** "hum'there has to be some special indnoement offered. Now that Explains it exactly. We offer such bargajns that the buying public appreciate it, and patronize ns accordingly. We have lots of . Dry Goods which must be turned into cashr.If there's any thing in the Dry Goods line you require, we have it, cheaper than you have ever bought it for. ... We shaU have twenty pieces of Japanese Silk to show you in a day or two, in all colors, at the
more » ... culously low price of 36 cents for 22 inch, and 50 cents for 27 inch.
doi:10.25316/ir-11112 fatcat:3kaib75tlbc47os5lhtehfj6z4