A reactive behavior framework for dynamic virtual worlds

Frédéric Boussinot, Jean-Ferdinand Susini, Frédéric Dang Tran, Laurent Hazard
2001 Proceedings of the sixth international conference on 3D Web technology - Web3D '01  
This paper presents a Java-based reactive programming framework well adapted to the construction of complex behaviors for CG objects within virtual environments. This reactive approach is based on an instantaneously broadcast event model and a semanticallysound synchronous/reactive formalism. The reactive framework degree of expressiveness is illustrated through several examples of behaviors which range from low-level animation of virtual creatures to high-level control of autonomous creatures' actions.
doi:10.1145/363361.363379 dblp:conf/vrml/BoussinotSTH01 fatcat:72k5plsguvdx5p4hfgh5bojmkm