Study on Electronic Energy Meter Failure Power Calculation Based on Metering Automation Systems

Gu Li, Zhitian Jiang, Xiaoyan Yu, Zhirong Cen, Jiefeng Yan, Xia Wan
2019 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Whether the energy metering device is accurate or not is related to the economic interests of both the division and sale of electric power, but in reality, energy metering device failure is inevitable. When a failure occurs, it must be certain of the correct way to calculate the accrued power. Classic methods of electricity are estimated by returning and adding "correction coefficient", but the fault characteristics of electronic table differs from previous induction meter. Electrical
more » ... and the cumulative power is erratic, leading to "correction coefficient method" failure. This paper describes a means of electrical parameter automation metering systems continuously recorded using the thought of "integration", the correction coefficient to compensate for the lack of power to solve real projections fault electronic energy meter problem.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201926002009 fatcat:vewd7vjcunbidbftngrwfiwuya