Rewarding Best Pest Management Practices via Reduced Crop Insurance Premiums

Hugh J. Beckie, Stuart J. Smyth, Micheal D. K. Owen, Savannah Gleim
2019 International Journal of Agronomy  
Despite decades of research, development, and extension on the mitigation and management of pesticide resistance, the global agricultural situation is becoming increasingly dire. Pest populations with evolved resistance to multiple pesticide sites of action are becoming the norm, with fewer remaining effective xenobiotics for control. We argue that financial incentives and not regulations are needed to encourage farmers or land managers to use best management practices recommended by academia.
more » ... lthough some incentives are offered by pesticide manufacturers or distributors, there is a paucity of incentives by other industry sectors and all levels of government (federal or state/provincial). Crop insurance can be important to facilitate and reward best pest management practices and address other important agricultural policy objectives. Herein, we describe possible changes to crop insurance programs in the United States and Canada through premium rate changes to incentivise clients to adopt best management practices.
doi:10.1155/2019/9390501 fatcat:43wrkeuivvajxirlrryt5shcli