Introduction to spin-polarized ballistic hot electron injection and detection in silicon

I. Appelbaum
2011 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  
Ballistic hot electron transport overcomes the well-known problems of conductivity and spin lifetime mismatch that plague spin injection attempts in semiconductors using ferromagnetic ohmic contacts. Through the spin dependence of the mean free path in ferromagnetic thin films, it also provides a means for spin detection after transport. Experimental results using these techniques (consisting of spin precession and spin-valve measurements) with silicon-based devices reveals the exceptionally
more » ... g spin lifetime and high spin coherence induced by drift-dominated transport in the semiconductor. An appropriate quantitative model that accurately simulates the device characteristics for both undoped and doped spin transport channels is described; it can be used to recover the transit-time distribution from precession measurements and determine the spin current velocity, diffusion constant and spin lifetime, constituting a spin 'Haynes-Shockley' experiment without time-of-flight techniques. A perspective on the future of these methods is offered as a summary.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0137 pmid:21859721 fatcat:hwf2puuylnfnbhxrgmhyo4qmki