A modern foreign language textbook: personality development content and target users

Elena Kazantseva, Angela Kazantseva, Anastasia Diug, Olga Kolmakova
2021 ARPHA Proceedings  
The anthropological paradigm of modern education makes it necessary to update methods, approaches and teaching tools. The conceptual foundations of the content, functional and structural construction of the textbook as a leading means of teaching foreign language communication should be based on a personality-oriented approach, which is focused on the student's personality, his/her real life and professional needs, motives, and educational goals. The article presents the parameters of a foreign
more » ... language textbook in terms of the structure that implements the personal-development content of language education by taking into account a specific addressee - student. The authors describe the parameters related to the specificity of the subject "Foreign language". The personal-development content of language education has to be presented in the textbook in the form of a certain methodological system implemented at the level of presentation of specific educational material and its subsequent activation by students. The study examines the conditions under which the textbook will meet the challenges of modern foreign language education. It, in turn, will provide a diverse range of effects on the student's personality and form strategies for independent learning in the process of implementing language education through life.
doi:10.3897/ap.e4.e0446 doaj:e0a789216fb84c05bb7d35423b8128b9 fatcat:mn4prhln6zhajo6vakcrvd5lx4