Novel Perspectives in the Monitoring of Transport Infrastructures by Sentinel-1 and Cosmo-Skymed Multi-Temporal SAR Interferometry

Valerio Gagliardi, Luca Bianchini Ciampoli, Fabrizio D'Amico, Amir M. Alani, Fabio Tosti, Maria Libera Battagliere, Andrea Benedetto
2021 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS  
In recent years, successful applications of the Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) for the monitoring of subsidence and deformations in transport infrastructures have been reported in the literature. The main advantage of this technique compared to other non-destructive surveying methodologies is in the possibility to perform fast networklevel surveys as well as the provision of time-series of the displacements by multi-temporal data acquisitions. Given the medium ground
more » ... C-band imagery are usually not employed for transport infrastructure monitoring as it is considered unlikely to obtain sufficiently accurate information. However, the use of medium resolution SAR data has not been thoroughly investigated until now and is still an open challenge. This study presents a novel approach for transport assets monitoring, based on the synergistic use of medium resolution (C-Band) and high resolution (X-Band) SAR imagery. To this effect, a multitemporal SAR Interferometry analysis of high and mediumresolution datasets is performed on a runway of the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport in Rome, Italy. The data were acquired by the Sentinel-1A and the COSMO-SkyMed missions, respectively. A comparison between the results from medium and high-resolution datasets demonstrates the viability of using multi-frequency SAR imagery, and pave the way to the development of new methodologies for the monitoring of transport infrastructures.
doi:10.1109/igarss47720.2021.9553749 fatcat:w6cqazsob5garnlgol7upuaue4