Thermodynamic indexes of real driving conditions of gasoline and LPG fuelled engine

Ireneusz Pielecha, Wojciech Cieślik, Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron
2016 Archives of Transport  
The aim of the conducted tests was to assess the method of delivering additional fuel dose in transient conditions and to determine the impact of this additional fuel dose on the engine operation conditions. The experimental tests were conducted in typical urban driving conditions. In the study was used system for indicating and acquisition of fast-varying data; the combustion pressure in the first cylinder of the 3-cylinder engine with spark ignition was measured, as well as the voltage on the
more » ... petrol injectors and the liquefied petroleum gas injector. The post-processing analysis enabled defining engine operation indexes taking into account the aforementioned parameters. Also indicated mean effective pressure, the heat release rate and the amount of the heat released were analysed. In addition, the indexes of transient conditions of engine operation per one cycle were specified: change of the engine speed, of the maximum combustion pressure, of the indicated mean effective pressure and change of the heat release rate.
doi:10.5604/08669546.1225467 fatcat:gmqhgwsw2jdybb56htuebpc7cu