Circumcision and the Contribution of Unani Surgeons in the Development of its Operative Procedure-A Review

Saiyad Shah Alam, Md Rizwanullah, Waseem Ahmad
2018 Jurnalul de Chirurgie (Journal of Surgery)  
Journal of Surgery [Jurnalul de Chirurgie] J o ur nal of S u r g e ry [Jurna lu l d e Ch irurg ie ] Abstract Circumcision is one of the oldest known surgical procedures which are practiced around the globe. During Circumcision foreskin of male penis is excised for social, cultural, religious and medical reasons. Ritual circumcision is one of the major determinants for its practice. Traditionally it is undertaken as a mark of cultural as well as religious identity and integrity. It not only
more » ... ves penile hygiene but also reduce the risk of infections like urinary tract infection, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. It also reduces the risk of penile cancer when performed in neonates. According to an estimate one in every three males are circumcised worldwide. Although it is universally practiced but it is not clearly known how this practice came in to existence? Many theories and explanation have been given to answer this question. Before the evolution of the modern system of the medicine, the health system was fully dependent on the traditional system of medicine. Amongst them Unani system of the medicine was most popular. Physician and surgeons of this system of medicine laid down the concept of medicine and surgery and greatly emphasized on their progress. Like other surgical procedure, surgeons of Unani medicine made remarkable contribution in the development of operative procedure of the circumcision. The main aim of this paper is to review the global practice of circumcision, its historical background, its traditional and modern methods and the input of Unani surgeons in their evolution.
doi:10.7438/1584-9341-14-1-9 fatcat:dgoows43avb5rkfswazmwwys54