Microstructural evolution of Inconel 625 during hot rolling
Mikrostrukturni razvoj Inconela 625 med vročim valjanjem

Franc Tehovnik, Jaka Burja, Bojan Podgornik ...
2015 Materiali in Tehnologije  
This research provides an overview of the structural changes that occur during the hot rolling of the nickel superalloy Inconel 625. It is well known that microstructure control is of paramount importance concerning the mechanical properties of a material. The microstructure also plays an important role in processing materials at elevated temperature. In this work the hot-rolling behaviour of the Inconel 625 superalloy has been investigated. The specimens were hot rolled at a temperature of
more » ... °C using different numbers of passes. During the hot rolling the loads were measured and recorded. A light microscope and an electron microscope, employing the electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD) technique, were employed to investigate the microstructure evolution, revealing a necklace dynamic-recrystallization mechanism. Raziskava obsega pregled strukturnih sprememb, ki se pojavijo med vro~im valjanjem nikljeve superzlitine Inconel 625. Znano je, da je kontrola mikrostrukture odlo~ilnega pomena za mehanske lastnosti materiala. Mikrostruktura ima pomemben vpliv na predelavo materiala pri povi{anih temperaturah. Preu~evali smo superzlitino Inconel 625 med vro~im valjanjem. Vzorci so bili vro~e valjani pri temperaturi 1200°C z razli~nimi {tevili prevlekov, med poizkusi smo merili tudi sile valjanja. Vzorce smo preiskali s svetlobnim in elektronskim mikroskopom s tehniko difrakcije povratno sipanih elektronov (EBSD). Raziskali smo razvoj mikrostrukture in potrdili dinami~no rekristalizacijo preko "mehanizma ogrlice". Klju~ne besede: nikljeva superzlitina, vro~e valjanje, dinami~na rekristalizacija, mehanizem ogrlice
doi:10.17222/mit.2015.274 fatcat:2tjljpml2bfhhhkdotnnkdi64a