The Role of Distal Protection Devices for Cardiovascular Intervention

Seung Hwan Han, Woong Chol Kang, Tae Hoon Ahn, Eak Kyun Shin
2003 Korean Circulation Journal  
Distal embolization, such as plaque debris and thrombus during percutaneous coronary and carotid interventions, often lead to virtually untreatable small vessel occlusions and the no-reflow phenomenon, which may cause periprocedural end organ ischemia and infarction. This is clinically important as the one-year mortality is doubled in patients with a periprocedural myocardial infarction. To prevent a distal embolization a number of distal protection devices have been developed, with others
more » ... under development, such as a balloon occlusion device (PercuSurge GuardWire), numerous filter devices (FilterWire EX, AngioGuard, Mednova Neuroshield, AccuNet) and a catheter occlusion device (Parodi Anti-Emboli System). The usefulness and roles of distal protection devices, for cardiovascular intervention, are reviewed. (Korean Circulation J 2003 ; 33 (9) : 746-753) KEY WORDS:Angioplasty, balloon;Embolization;Distal protection device.
doi:10.4070/kcj.2003.33.9.746 fatcat:uoaaauqoozcgnhxrvcikufkbyq