The system of managing the pedagogical process of training students-specialists in the tourism sector in the conditions of COVID-19

Iryna Olenych, Zoriana Gontar, Yuliia Borutska
2021 Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação  
The last few years have seen an increase in competitiveness in many areas of the economy of the developed countries of the world. The only urgent problem is the training of personnel in the field of tourism, in particular during pandemic restrictions. And this problem is more complicated than just a shortage of graduates. Pedagogical training in the field of tourism is a systematic and organized training of qualified specialists in hotels and other accommodation facilities, facilities and means
more » ... of recreation, public catering, as well as facilities for business, health, sports, and educational purposes. Currently, the market situation is such that graduates of specialized educational institutions do not meet professional requirements that meet international standards. Today's specialists have a low professional level, so hotels and travel companies, which have their own training programs, have to retrain hired employees. Young specialists have insufficient competence and lack of adaptive skills that they should possess in a developed competitive environment. Taking this into account, the purpose of this article is to determine and analyze the features of managing the training of future specialists in the tourism industry in a pandemic. The analysis of the problem was carried out by using traditional methods of analysis and interpretation of statistical and literary criticism with new approaches to analysis, synthesis and abstraction. As a result, the main pedagogical aspects of the educational process management system for the training of future specialists in the tourism sector in higher education institutions were characterized.
doi:10.20952/revtee.v14i33.16569 fatcat:6dyvxksiozcltghl2g66j7t4ca