
Satoshi Kanisawa, Ken-ichiro Aoki
1978 The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists Petrologists and Economic Geologists  
Abundances of fluorine in some Tertiary dolerite sills in Japan have been determined using a slective ion-electrode in order to clarify the behaviour of fluorine in basaltic magma with advancing differentiation. The Hatozaki alkali-dolerite sill, the Odate olivine dolerite sill taken from the bore hole (HO-1) and the Otaki olivine dolerite sill in northeast Japan have 206, 225 and 283 ppm of average fluorine content in the main mass, while 427, 314 and 469 ppm in the late differentiates
more » ... vely. The Murotomisaki gabbro in southwest Japan has 77 ppm of average fluorine content in the main mass and 137 ppm in the late differentiates. All dolerite sills studied show the tendency that the fluorine content increases with advancing differentiation. The relation between fluorine content and P2O5 shows distinct positive correlation in the rocks of the Odate and the Otaki sills, while does not show any distinct correlation in the Hatozaki and Muroto masses. The late differentiates of the Hatozaki sill have large amounts of hydrous minerals such as analcime and thomosonite and a little of biotite and hornblende, thus most of fluorine in these rocks may enter into these minerals replacing OH-ion. However, fluorine in the Odate and the Otaki sills may be contained in apatite.
doi:10.2465/ganko1941.73.78 fatcat:6njboz7n6raihdu6ezi5bvxj4u