Measurements of thickness for metallic plates with co-axial holes using a novel analytical method with the modified integration range

Wuliang Yin, Ruocheng Huang, Mingyang Lu, Zhijie Zhang, Anthony Peyton
2020 IEEE Access  
The existence of the hole on a plate affects the calculation of eddy current problems. Consequently, the accuracy for the prediction of the material properties decreases if the effect of the hole is not taken into account. In this paper, a novel analytical method based on the modified integration range is proposed which can address the presence of the hole. Due to the presence of the hole, the conventional Dodd-Deeds analytical solution cannot be used to calculate the inductance change.
more » ... e, a revised upper integration limit is introduced to replace the original limit --∞ when using the co-axially air-core electromagnetic sensor. With the presence of the hole, the magnitude of the received signal reduces, and the peak frequency feature changes. The analytical method is validated by measured and numerical simulation results. It is found that the upper limit is related to the radius of the open hole. With the new technique, the thickness of sample plates with holes can be estimated based on the peak frequency feature. INDEX TERMS Magnetic induction, eddy current testing, thickness measurement.
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3035333 fatcat:jyhoxtndtfdlplqxd5srdoj64m